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tv   NEWS LIVE - 30  Al Jazeera  January 24, 2019 6:00am-6:34am +03

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what about him what the main outcome of meeting was. well first and foremost they have not not reached an agreement so clearly there's a lot of goodwill clearly there's a lot of chemistry and there's a lot of coordination dialogue cooperation especially on the bilateral relations that's going on on economy on culture on tourism and even on certain g committed affairs but there is no agreement on the very particular subject for which they met today which is what to do about northern syria what to do about it lead what to do about the security or so-called buffer zone what sort of the division of labor between turkey and russia moving forward to secure northern syria so to speak up on one of those the buffer zone for example in the text one thing it can affect economy to an area how would that work and what is it the russians object to or worried about with that well for one. as secretary lover of our foreign minister
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lavrov said this morning and repeated by president putin that the the pilot if you well that was tried out in a good sense since last autumn has not really worked out because al-qaeda about the north has really expanded within the city and its surrounding so the idea that. that turkey will simply implementing the added model through out in northern syria and be able to pick control of the kurdish areas is not exactly acceptable to the united states or to russia because they don't see the utility if it did is going to be the model for the rest of the. northern part of the city and that's why i think what putin wanted probably is for the turks to give up on it live and to lit the syrian regime take care or take control of it live and other
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parts of another syria it instead of being under the control of the. zimbabwe's president has promised action in response to a crackdown by security forces on anti-government protesters but opposition leaders say demonstrators are still being victimized has more from the capital harare. shop owners says the damage after last week's violence when the price of fuel more than doubled overnight in zimbabwe people demonstrated many didn't believe the president the managua who said the increase in months of shortages some businesses were looted during the violence. the damage done now as i can tell at the moment was west took off lead to but what i can tell you are probably a weekend where did you dress in terms of for equipment does the house as it was taken away from the computers to those printers even machines the most were taken away. was human rights commission a government appointed human rights
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a key security forces a systematic torture noise and activists say a dozen people have been killed scores more worried and every segment of the opposition leader say people are still being targeted by security forces they also say others are in hiding fearing for their lives right now on the streets people are not in happiness people are not in peace there is a lot of turnout displacement of persons people are being dragged out of their homes being people being beaten brutalized terrorized there's terror and fear all over and citizens are not in peace again having ammunition and live ammunition against ordinary citizens that is unacceptable and that goes against the tenets of democracy. the president has promised to investigate the crackdown by security forces but civilians have also been warned when and where you have had cases of lawlessness necessarily you will have the guilty ones who will try and keep it away
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from the reach of the law except it doesn't quite serve them i think it is in their interest to make sure that they present themselves to the law enforcement agency defend themselves and in the fullness of time just establish whether or not they have a case to answer on and this is precisely why we agree if you have done something wrong certainly you do have something to worry about we will not tell him that we saw if last we can happen in this country never again the crisis has raised fears that the barber is reverting to the authoritarian style rule of robert nobody who was forced from power by many more than a year ago and that's making business analysts and investors nervous. coming. ponders era from very poor of march. the date is set for actions in thailand the first since a minute uku almost five years ago. running out of clean water how war has meant this most precious resource is out of reach for two thirds of the people in yemen.
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and one of the world's football's most prolific strikers is. he will have details and support. sudan says it will accept assistance including fuel and wheat from the u.s. russia and turkey as anti-government protests continue across the country announcement was made as president omar al bashir met cattle emir shaikh to me a phony in doha emir said he supports sudan's unity and stability assurance facing almost daily demonstrations calling for an end to his thirty year rule after there is demolish a house at this report from the office of kut as amir in doha. this is the first foreign trip to be made by president obama bashir since those protests that have erupted in his country escalated over the past few weeks the fact that he chose to visit qatar is telling and what to him have
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a strong history between them. sponsored and a host of the darfur peace talks for example is invested or made billions of dollars worth of investments over the years and often there has been an alignment between his vision for the region when it comes to significant issues like for example palestine and that's of sudan as well speaking to our jazeera the sudanese foreign minister the this was or he described the meeting between president bashir and sure i mean from a as a brotherly meeting he said that they would discuss regional issues and that the protests in sudan were too small of a topic to be the focus of these bilateral discussions having said that however they are significance protests they are the longest protests that have taken place since she came to power roughly thirty years ago we are talking about more than forty people killed widespread condemnation from around the world as to how the security services and the sudanese governments have treated those protesters but
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information as far as a mother but she was concerned he wants to show that he is still very much a statesman still very much in control he has no issue leaving the country to visit other world leaders assured he believes to come back with still in power so a significant trip in the sense that there is a lot to discuss between these two governments but tightlipped both sides have been with regards to revealing as to what they've agreed on if there's been any deals and how to move forward in an organism launching a situation in the sudanese capital khartoum. people in sudan are saying they will not stop demonstrating against president bashir until he actually steps down again that is something he has repeatedly said that he will not do until elections come in twenty twenty and even then there is a chance he might run again there's already a proposed change that is stable in front of the parliament to try to amend the constitution for the bashir could run for another term but people are saying they
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don't want him to continue running for be under thirty years that he's already been in power they say that during his term in office the country has been ruled with corruption and that the economy has been in a downward spiral now the protest started on the nineteenth of december because of lack of bread in the city of ottawa but that quickly morphed into calls for the president to step down the rights groups say at least forty people have been killed but the government is disputing that figure they see the people who have been killed so far is at least twenty seven there are also concerns about activists being arrested in the protests the government has said that they've arrested eight hundred and sixteen people last week but then people are saying that opposition groups and other activists are saying that the number could be as high as over a thousand people many of them with their whereabouts unknown and their health conditions also unknown people are saying they will not continue they will not stop demonstrating there are more protests planned in the coming days tomorrow is that there is a nationwide protest called by the sudanese professional association which has been spearheading the calls for the president to step down now and people are saying
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that they're very determined they're very keen to see their president step down it's not clear how far this would go but both sides are very determined the president is determined to stay in power and people determined to see him go kumi naidoo the general of amnesty international is calling on the sudanese government to respect citizens rights to peaceful protest. people need to recognize that for those who have been organized the level of pain that the sudanese people have been feeling economically has been devastated the response of the state has been disproportionate overwhelming as so and been must remind those three of the basic freedoms that was always defended is the freedom of association that right of people to. fight for what they want the freedom of assembly that's a right to protest in the freedom of expression that the right to be able to pitch a story in the media and these three feet of this is. extremely restricted and we call on the sudanese government to really pull back from the use of repression
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right now to respect the human rights obligations and to ensure that the right to peaceful protests legitimate peaceful process. is respected. is the chief of mission at the u.s. embassy in sudan he joins us now live from washington thanks very much indeed for your time what do you think. the moment i think his goal was to achieve financial support from carter it's not clear that he i suspect that at some point in the not distant future there will be an announcement of some kind of financial aid to. buy the government of qatar so i mean he seems to be getting other support from elsewhere financial help from turkey and russia with all that if he does get that kind of what will that be enough for him to get a grip on the. no i don't i don't think that xterm will support is going to make
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the difference here may prolong his ability to stand power for a period of time but this is essentially an internal sudanese issue has rather widespread support around the country and i don't think that aid from from our from russia or even from turkey and turkey hasn't really indicated it was going to provide anything i don't think it's going to make that much of a difference it's complicating the situation a bit from the international side in that you're starting to see players outside sudan take sides on that question but beyond that it's essentially going to be determined by a combination of people in the street in the sudan and the sudanese security forces if they remain loyal to share or not you mentioned that people taking sides i mean we've had the u.s. state department condemning the sudanese government's use of force again against protest as in issuing a statement saying they condemn the use of force including these have live fire excessive use of tear gas by the security sydney security forces how much how bad
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is the crackdown that do we have a clear idea of how bad it is. it seems to be to be getting worse although i'm not well positioned to judge the nature of the crackdown inside khartoum but judging by the comments from the american government i would gather that they have it has information that suggests that it is becoming a more difficult situation the comment was much stronger than the one that was made earlier this month by the troika. the u.s. the u.k. and norway which made similar remarks but not quite as strongly stated so i think it's an indication that the u.s. is increasingly concerned about the situation on the ground and how much influence does the u.s. have with a country like sudan these days. the the nature of the contact is is better than it has been in recent years but it's still rather limited
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when the us does not have an ambassador in khartoum it has not had one for many years we have a charge a deaf air there have been discussions ongoing discussions about trying to remove sudan from the u.s. state list of terrorism there has been some progress in that direction but i think these protests put aside basically all discussion of that topic i think the united states wants to remain engaged in discussions with the government but it's also watching very closely the the nature of the protests on the street davidson thank you very much indeed to feel for us and some thank you carol. still to come on out is there this news out with me to ring the refugees who've been forced to leave india after being harassed and targeted. purchase in hong kong i've been you know that would make insulting the chinese national anthem a crime. serena really amusing snatches defeat from the jaws of victory she crashes
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after the australian open action coming out with me in school. i was still got plenty of unsettled weather across central parts of europe a cloud still rolling away thunderstorms banging away just around italy greece the balkans pushing up towards remain the abbey will snow in the forecast because norm pass over the region cold enough temps is in moscow no higher than russia winds if they'd celsius come down back into the med this is where we got the really lively weather lots of wet weather lots of windy weather as well rough seas fourteen celsius there for athens fourteen degrees but more sunshine for madrid well more pleasant if you push further north and it's still pretty cold six celsius there for london three degrees in paris go on and see where friday the great sights
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on those temperatures little more cloud started to push his way it should just as those temperatures up as we go on into the weekend but no grace on any improvements and so you know a great sign of any proven to elsewhere still the weather continues into the central med more heavy rain big downpours possible to see some localized flooding into greece pushing up to the western side of turkey and snow more snow continuing there into eastern areas of europe to see some snow to across the far north silva algeria just twelve cells just for algiers in the clouds and the rain that wet weather starts to ease as we go through friday. as takes a tougher line on migrants organized crime is making fast profits from their misery . people and power investigates the state funded reception centers where the
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helpless are reduced to commodities ripe for exploitation. the mafia and the migrants on al-jazeera. when the news breaks a few minutes ago we were able to hear a huge explosion fifty people are still missing when people need to be hurt and the story needs to be told we need to invest in development and you can best making sure the people of the three hundred zero has teens on the ground join us for this historic shift in american politics to bring you more winning documentaries and life moves on and on line.
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are one of top stories here. venezuela's opposition leader one. friend as interim president following another day of nationwide protests for and against nicolas maduro u.s. president donald trump says his government will recognize as venezuela's new leader . the turkish and russian presidents are wrapped up talks in moscow on the situation in syria that may have welcomed the u.s. troop withdrawal and richard says his country will deal with any groups that may fill the void created when american troops leave. and. in how it out. ronnie has met the president and were bashir of sudan in doha as antigovernment protests continue in sudan meanwhile sudan says it will accept assistance including fuel and wheat from the u.s. russia and turkey. thailand's king has issued
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a royal decree endorsing the first general election since a twenty four thousand military coup noting has been delayed several times by the military which is clamp down on dissent and free speech it's got hardly reports from bangkok. protests on the streets of bangkok calling for elections picked up over the last several months as frustration mounted for after repeated postponements the date for time which general election was finally announced march twenty fourth that they. should be. who everyone can. that is the main reason why. that day was five times dates were set and then postponed by the military government this is spending the last five years. in the years after the two thousand and fourteen military coup overthrowing the democratically elected government of. the military
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leaders have imposed strict laws over political gatherings and muzzle dissent the government also rewrote the constitution so a military backed assembly will have the power to appoint the upper house regardless of the outcome of the election it is highly likely that the next prime minister will be the current prime minister mispriced. and so there won't actually be a change in regime but there will be opposition voices in parliament which will be a step in the right direction the process for the election began months before the date was set new and existing parties have registered. there's a new party supporting the government. the former army chief and prime minister since the coup. has hinted at a run to keep his job but has yet to confirm but the party of the political dynasty has won every democratic election in thailand since two thousand and one it's widely supported in rural areas and is expected to continue with its winning history. and another new party running is future forward it's comprised of some of
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the seven million youth voters in thailand many of whom will be voting for the first time in march so with the last steps taken the royal decree and the official date set the political parties will start to wrap up their campaigning and register their candidates it's got harder al-jazeera bangkok. meanwhile two bodies of anti-government activists have been found in the mekong river and they were among dozens of dissidents who fled the country after the coup when he reports from bangkok. mutilated bound and wrapped the bodies were found on the banks of the mekong river in northeastern thailand police confirmed their identities are the one that asked for the d.n.a. results we have received a formal result from the friend department of the police hospital they were anti monarchy and anti-government activists known as push and cuss along after a two thousand and fourteen coup in thailand they fled to neighboring laos where they disappeared from their homes in december along with the man they worked for
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say dan. sera try regularly posted online videos and comments critical of the military government and monarchy at least two other critics have gone missing from last in recent years leading to the accusation from dissidents that this is the work of the military who stated aim is to defend the monarchy retire fishel say they weren't involved in the disappearances the discovery of the bodies comes as thailand prepares for the coronation of the king in may criticizing or defaming the monarchy carries a jail term of up to fifteen years for each count hundreds of people have left thailand before being arrested and are now living as fugitives. fled more than eight years ago. they're going to. go. in the car and how. they're going to.
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so. i know. so. many many. thora he say they'll work but they allow counterparts to investigate the murders but given who they were and the nature of their disappearance and death the families may be waiting a long time for justice wayne hey al jazeera bangkok. yemen is facing a severe water shortage with some estimates suggesting the capital sana'a could run dry in less than a decade where the nineteen million people have no access to clean water dosage of ari has. these children in yemen should be in school but they are here instead of getting water for their families this is what they do every day. eleven year old martyrs used to be in the fourth grade but he was forced to drop out to do this i learned that i am a good though water comes and goes in the morning hours sometimes and i used to be in school so now i come here to get water for my family instead of concentrating on
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my schooling and my god i want to continue my education i'm tired of this work this water collection point is helping many families in the capital sanaa but there is another problem here the threat of cholera. and all these people here have been infected. cholera is a waterborne disease that is transmitted through contaminated water and food symptoms include acute diarrhea and vomiting if left untreated death can occur within hours the. outbreak of corn or ice attributed to contaminated water unprotected walls outdoor food vendors are another factor we have vice people to use clean sanitize water. clean water is hard to come by since the war began in two thousand and fifty the u.n. says two thirds of the population does not have access to safe drinking water and i believe. we have been using water from a well for
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a long time and we were doing fine then all of a sudden i suffered severe diarrhea and vomiting i was later told i had called there are because of dirty water. while this conflict goes on international aid agencies are asking for more help as well as a long term political solution for millions of struggling yemeni. dorsett jabari al jazeera. iran is demanding the release of a prominent journalist detained in the united states press t.v. anchor. man was taken into custody at an airport in missouri last week she's appeared in court twice but has not been charged with a crime saying this robbery has more from tehran. at the united nations headquarters iranian journalists protest the detention. earlier this month while on vacation. was taken into police custody at lambert international airport in st louis missouri she was handed over to the f.b.i. which says she's being held as a material witness in
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a case they cannot talk about with very few details most here see her detention as politically motivated for her work as a presenter for press t.v. iran's english language state. every time she would go to the united states makes you think that she would. not be able to combat this. we never thought that this would actually happen her friends and family are demanding answers and if she's committed no crime her immediate release we don't want to jump to conclusions. that we've been given is that she's being held as a material witness in an. investigation for years governments and rights groups have criticized iran for being no less aggressive about imprisoning dual citizens activists and even visitors deemed
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a threat but now iranians are demanding the release of an american citizen in an american jail someone who they've adopted as one of their own at a panel discussion comparisons to cases inside iran were tuned out and local experts warned that hashmi case could be the start of a new front line in soft war with the u.s. targeting journalists for political leverage that we have detained. american. in the past. we have had. past history. but. hatred. for. continuous intimidation. for example sanctions for no reason basically rover's this is in line with that. as most things involving america and iran the story is complicated and politically charged arrest came a week after news of the arrest of an american navy veteran in the iranian city of
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mustard reportedly there visiting his girlfriend iran has lodged a formal complaint and foreign minister zarif characterized the arrest as a violation of the civil rights of an african american and president hassan rouhani as chief of staff said only crime was being black and muslim she's while reasons for her detention remain unclear for better or for worse iran's leaders have tied hashmi fate to bigger political battles with the united states the same bus ravi old zero. an estimated forty thousand have taken refuge in india but india's nationalist hindu government says the muslim minority have no right to demand refugee status from the southern city of cox's bazaar joshua name reports for one hundred twelve dollars a head smuggler in india promised a way out of the fear that had begun to suffocate sham she'd and her family when one of his does the dynamite in her hand as
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a hated and abused in india. they were among forty thousand rohingya refugees in india human rights groups say in recent years the government's welcoming policy has shifted to a hostile why in october india deported seven rohingya men back to me and mar a country b. un is accused of committing genocide against the persecuted muslim minority since december the refugee relief and repatriation commission says india has deported at least thirteen hundred rohingya refugees to bangladesh. in the beginning we weren't harassed but at a later stage were constantly being monitored so we got scared that they might send us back to me and maher since we didn't want to go there we decided to cross the border rohingya refugees describe a campaign of fear mongering harassment and intimidation that's terrifying people enough to abandon their lives in india and sneak into bangladesh that has been
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a campaign against by the. groups to create an impression that they are terrorists and therefore there have been attacks on. india's ruling party says the rowing does have no right to demand refugee status and india is not a signatory to the one nine hundred fifty one refugee convention there is a security aspect old school with regard to their linkages with dangerous terrorist groups that are in the middle to india unfoldment and by all based out of pakistan and the last part is that end of the day that these citizens are also leading to problems with the local community it's been three months and become enter family are adjusting to home inside this sprawling refugee camp study argue we stuff it over there as well as here we are facing many difficulties. despite the hardships
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of refugee life she and other recent arrivals from india say they're experiencing something new the comfort of being surrounded by other growing goes and the peace that comes with living in a muslim country natasha going to aim al-jazeera cox's bazaar bangladesh taxi drivers have been back on the streets of madrid protesting against services like. riot police were deployed after the taxi drivers blocked roads with their cars and set up burning barricades they say rival drivers from taxi app's have an unfair advantage because they don't same face the same regulations and costs a tax on farmers in northwest nigeria have pushed millions of them from their land and into poverty the region is already the country's poorest and suffering the impact of climate change and poor agricultural practices and as
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a manager is reports now from so cotto governments are being criticised for not tackling the problem. for seven months mohamed atta who says he walked these narrow dusty streets begging for. a year and hundreds of others this keep the attackers who laid siege to dozens of villages in nigeria's northwest effectively stopping farming and economic activities. comfortable living off the series of attacks and took away everything as you can see the conditions here are not so much different. nigeria's north is one of the country's poorest regions despite producing its shellfish livestock and grains years a poor agricultural practices and repacked of climate change hard to people's lives . an estimated forty eight percent of nigeria's one hundred eighty million people
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live in extreme poverty the highest rates are in areas with low levels of skills and education many here fear that like of investment in the last thirty years means that millions of people will continue to suffer. nigeria has one of the fastest growing populations in the world and also the largest concentration of the extreme . and development partners say successive governments continue to adopt the wrong approach in tackling poverty so it is destructive actions that we have seen. i think these. believe in the power of market to transform the lives of the people but this is not corresponding with the social reality in the country or in any part of the ward despite nigeria's vast oil wealth half its population lives on less than two dollars a day and with conflict forcing more and more poor people from their homes and lands many doubt if the government will be in
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a position to improve the lives of millions across the country. how many trees. northwest nigeria. singing china's national out the mess expected to become compulsory in all hong kong schools the proposed legislation would also make insulting the lyrics a criminal offense and critics argue this is forced patrick ism and beijing is challenging the city's core values sarah clarke reports from hong kong. security was quick to move on pro-democracy activist joshua long as members of his party raised a flag at hong kong's government headquarters oh my god the demonstration is i've a proposals to mike insulting china's national anthem a crime we are against it is because we believe that is not a must for people loyal to the country and loyalty to the region. seeing china's national anthem and also.


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